Gift Coupons
To purchase gift coupons:
1. Click the following "ADD TO CART” buttons to purchase gift coupons. If you would like to give a single book, simply match the dollar amount to the price of the book you wish to give.
2. After checking out you will receive a discount code that can be used once by your gift recipient to download a copy of the book for free.
3. You'll just need to send them the address of the web page on which the book is located, along with the discount code.
4. If you would like to buy multiple gift coupons of the same denomination (if you wished to give copies to several people, for example), you can change the number of items in the shopping cart when you check out. You will receive a list of codes—one for each recipient. You can also purchase gift coupons in more than one denomination.

Redeeming gift coupons:
1. If a single book is given, the gift recipient just needs to apply the gift coupon code during checkout and the price of the book will be knocked down to $0 when the shopping cart is refreshed. Their book will then download for free.
2. A gift coupon is not tied to any particular book title, but instead toward the total amount of a single transaction.
3. Only one gift coupon can be used for a transaction, so it may be necessary for the recipient to complete more than one transaction if multiple books are given as gifts.

Please note:
These are gift coupons and not gift certificates, which means that, for example, if a $10 book is purchased with a $15 certificate, the unspent $5 cannot be applied to a future transaction and will be forfeited.